Model-Driven Development
Model-Driven Development (MDD), a.k.a. Model-Driven Software Engineering, promotes software development in many different ways. There's, however, one particular aspect that's attracted our attention. It's the idea to render result, software or source code, automatically from an easy to understand, easy to maintain, model. In other words, it's code generation. If and when this is possible, as in easy, it constitutes a truly result-oriented approach to software development.
We provide two context aware products for Model-Driven Development. Targeted at different aspects of information system solutions. Use them in their respective domain to boost development throughput and to increase the quality and maintainability of your solution!
 The RISE Editor tool allows you build information models, complete with relations, constraints, defaults, indexes and views. RISE can automatically define the needed programming interfaces for your information model. You may modify or extended these interfaces as you see fit. Not even remodeling is a problem; your changes are cascaded throughout the model automatically assuring complete model consistency. When you're up to it, the model is passed to a RISE code generator transforming it to source code for the target environment of your choice. To develop a complete information solution just re-model and re-generate until you've reached the required result. The generated code comprises: - Scripts to setup a database corresponding to the information model. These scripts are incremental to allow updating databases based on older versions of the model.
- Source code for accessing a database based on the information model. The source code is a implementation of the interface (or interfaces) defined in the model.
- Source code for exposing the model programming interfaces as web services. This code is optional but when generated your model is transformed in to a ready-to-use SOA component.
 The Marshal Suite helps you to assemble data, from systems and databases, into meaningful business objects and export them as XML files or to other databases. It's a set of tools to create and execute data extraction models and to generate source code for further transformation or loading. The Marshal Editor modeling tool allows you to analyze source and target databases and import table definitions to simplify the modeling process, while assuring you're in detailed control. The model supports any information structure, depth or complexity and allows you to interweave data from different sources and deliver to multiple targets. The final Marshal model is intended for code generation and for deployment in one of the available run-time interpreters: - Run directly in the Marshal Editor modeling tool. This is useful for single-shot migrations, such as migrating old data into a new system, and for testing purposes during development of the model itself.
- Run programmatically in the Marshal Integrator web service. The Integrator allows other applications to run data migration jobs on-demand. Use the Integrator for system integration and publishing purposes.
- Run programmatically as part of your .NET application by embedding the Marshal run-time assembly.
- Run scheduled using the Marshal Archiver backend service. Use the Archiver to set up scheduled migration jobs, for instance, for archiving, backup or night-time synchronization purposes.
- Generate source code in C# or Java to simplify implentation of post-processor (transformation) applications.