Marshal Software Components  The Marshal product family is made up of a set of applications to be used individually or together.
The key components are the Marshal Editor and Marshal Archiver. Use the Editor to design and model your information transfers and the Archiver for the actual execution.
Click here to to see the complete list of downloadable Marshal software!
Marshal Editor
Marshal Editor is the development and modeling tool of Marshal. It's where you to design your data export, transformations and loading. It provides support for many different sources, such as databases and web services, and provides a rich set of functionality to control transformation, storage and import. It also provides a test facility and code generators (Java, c#, xsd) for custom development. |
Marshal Archiver
Marshal Archiver is the backend application for running your information transfers. It's a Windows Service supporting scheduled execution as well on-demand execution (via WCF) of your model. The Archiver also allows sequencing of multiple models, execution of pre and post processors and parameterization of models. |
Marshal Integrator
Marshal Integrator is an alternative to the Archiver. It provides a set of SOAP web services for on-demand execution of Marshal models. |
Marshal Repository
Marshal Repository the tool for managing and licensing your models. It's a prerequisite when using Marshal Archiver or Integrator to run your information transfers. |
Marshal XmlEditor
Marshal XmlEditor is a utility for batch processing of XML files. Use it to verify, modify or register your Marshal exports. |
Marshal Viewer
Marshal Viewer is an end user tool for browsing and searching export sets and for visualizing their XML content using XSLT stylesheets. |
Marshal SQLUtility
Marshal SQLUtility is a FREE application for browsing the database schema and running SQL statements against any ODBC database, including SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and many more! |
Marshal SSHPuTTY
SSHPuTTY is a FREE utility for accessing a remote host file system. Typically, a Linux or Unix host. The utility uses SSH and relies on the PuTTY program package to implement the SSH session. |