The Marshal JDBC Router is a multithreaded, platform independent, Java middleware for accessing databases having a JDBC driver, such as Access, FileMaker, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite and many more.
Technically the router binds a connection socket to a tcp/ip address and port and listens for requests, and returns the result as JSON.
To start the Marshal JDBC Router, execute the statement below at your command prompt.
$ java -jar marshal-jdbc.jar
By default the router binds to the address and port 8080. Binding to ensures that only applications executed on the local server can access the router. The default read timeout, i.e. the time from when a connection socket is opened until the request in full has arrived to the router, is 30000 ms, and the default socket backlog is 50. In most cases there is no reason to change the default values of the socket backlog and the read timeout.
Executing the router using the following command line will cause the router to bind to the address, port 8181, having a socket backlog of 32 and a read timeout of 10000 ms. The backlog argument must be a positive value greater than 0. If the value passed is equal or less than 0, then the default value of 50 will be assumed. A read timeout of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.