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A Basic Framework

The Basic Framework is a package of primitive utility methods for you to use in your RISE composed methods. It provides a fairly complete set of commonly used constants, comparison operators, algebraic operators, logical operators, range operators, fall-back operators, exception signaling and access to current date and time. Using it spares you the ordeal of having to invent and implement a set of basic operators just to make efficient use of composed methods. 

To use the framework:
  1. Make it part of your model. This is done either by creating a new model (File | New) based on the Framework Basic template or by copying (ctrl-c) the IBasics interface from another model and then pasting it (ctrl-v) in to your model.
  2. Use the methods of IBasics in your composed methods while modeling. The interface documentation is available on this page as well as inside RISE. In RISE, right-click the IBasics interface and select the "View documentation" option.
  3. Add the generated application source code and the basic framework implementation to your development solution. We're providing basic framework implementations compatible with source code generated by the RISE PHP and c-sharp code generators.

The IBasics interface provides the following method set

Constants This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns a set of various constants
Input arguments
Return set
NullBool bool (nullable)
NullDateTime datetime (nullable)
NullFloat float (nullable)
NullInt int (nullable)
NullString string (nullable)
TrueBool bool
FalseBool bool
EmptyString string
ZeroInt int
OneInt int
TwoInt int
ThreeInt int
FourInt int
FiveInt int
SixInt int
SevenInt int
EightInt int
NineInt int
TenInt int
IsEqualInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if integers are equal.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
isEqual bool
IsEqualFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if floats are equal.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
isEqual bool
IsEqualDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if datetimes are equal.
Input arguments
dt1 datetime
dt2 datetime
Return set
isEqual bool
IsEqualString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if strings are equal.
Input arguments
s1 string
s2 string
Return set
isEqual bool
IsEqualBool This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if bools are equal.
Input arguments
b1 bool
b2 bool
Return set
isEqual bool
DefaultBool This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns the b, if not null, and defaultValue otherwise
Input arguments
b bool (nullable)
defaultValue bool
Return set
b bool
DefaultInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns i, if not null, and defaultValue otherwise
Input arguments
i int (nullable)
defaultValue int
Return set
i int
DefaultDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns dt, if not null, and defaultValue otherwise.
Input arguments
dt datetime (nullable)
defaultValue datetime
Return set
dt datetime
DefaultFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns f, if not null, and defaultValue otherwise.
Input arguments
f float (nullable)
defaultValue float
Return set
f float
DefaultString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns s, if not null, and defaultValue otherwise.
Input arguments
s string (nullable)
defaultValue string
Return set
s string
IsGreaterThanDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if d1 is greater (later) than d2.
Input arguments
d1 datetime
d2 datetime
Return set
isGT bool
IsLessThanDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if d1 is less (earlier) than d2.
Input arguments
d1 datetime
d2 datetime
Return set
isLT bool
IsGreaterThanOrEqualDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if d1 is greater (later) than or equal to d2.
Input arguments
d1 datetime
d2 datetime
Return set
isGTE bool
IsLessThanOrEqualDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if d1 is less (earlier) then d2.
Input arguments
d1 datetime
d2 datetime
Return set
isLTE bool
IsGreaterThanFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if f1 is greater than f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
isGT bool
IsGreaterThanOrEqualFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if f1 is greater than or equal to f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
isGTE bool
IsLessThanFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if f1 is less than f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
isLT bool
IsLessThanOrEqualFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if f1 is less than or equal to f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
isLTE bool
IsGreaterThanInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if i1 is greater than i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
isGT bool
IsGreaterThanOrEqualInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if i1 is greater than or equal to i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
isGTE bool
IsLessThanInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if i1 is less than i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
isLT bool
IsLessThanOrEqualInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if i1 is less than or equal to i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
isLTE bool
IsGreaterThanString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if s1 is greater than s2.
Input arguments
s1 string
s2 string
Return set
isGT bool
IsGreaterThanOrEqualString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if s1 is greater than or equal to s2.
Input arguments
s1 string
s2 string
Return set
isGTE bool
IsLessThanString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if s1 is less than s2.
Input arguments
s1 string
s2 string
Return set
isLT bool
IsLessThanOrEqualString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if s1 is less than or equal to s2.
Input arguments
s1 string
s2 string
Return set
isLTE bool
IsBetweenDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if dtMin <= dt <= dtMax
Input arguments
dtMin datetime
dt datetime
dtMax datetime
Return set
isBetween bool
IsBetweenInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if iMin <= i <= iMax.
Input arguments
iMin int
i int
iMax int
Return set
isBetween bool
IsBetweenFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if fMin <= f <= fMax.
Input arguments
fMin float
f float
fMax float
Return set
isBetween bool
IsBetweenString This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if sMin <= s <= sMax.
Input arguments
sMin string
s string
sMax string
Return set
isBetween bool
LogicalAnd This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true is b1 and b2 is true.
Input arguments
b1 bool
b2 bool
Return set
b bool
LogicalOr This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if b1 is true or b2 is true or both are true.
Input arguments
b1 bool
b2 bool
Return set
b bool
LogicalXor This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if b1 is true or b2 is true but both are not true.
Input arguments
b1 bool
b2 bool
Return set
b bool
LogicalNot This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns true if b is false and false if b is true.
Input arguments
b bool
Return set
notB bool
MultiplyInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns i1 times i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
equals int
MultiplyFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns f1 times f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
equals float
DivideInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns the integer part of iDividend divided with iDivisor.
Input arguments
iDividend int
iDivisor int
Return set
equals int
DivideFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns fDividend divided with fDivisor.
Input arguments
fDividend float
fDivisor float
Return set
equals float
AddInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns i1 plus i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
sum int
AddFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns f1 plus f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
sum float
SubtractInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns i1 minus i2.
Input arguments
i1 int
i2 int
Return set
difference int
SubtractFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns f1 minus f2.
Input arguments
f1 float
f2 float
Return set
difference float
Modulo This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns the modulo (remainder) when dividing iDividend by iDivisor.
Input arguments
iDividend int
iDivisor int
Return set
modulo int
NegateInt This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns i times -1.
Input arguments
i int
Return set
negI int
NegateFloat This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns f times -1.
Input arguments
f float
Return set
negF float
AbortIf This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Raises an exception to abort execution if b is true.
Input arguments
b bool
Return set
AbortIfNot This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Raises an exception to abort execution if b is false.
Input arguments
b bool
Return set
ServerDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns the server DateTime, including the timezone offset and time in ms since epoch (Javascript style). The argument timems is is the time in ms since epoch. If timems is NULL the current time is used.
Input arguments
timems int (nullable)
Return set
dateTime datetime
timems int
timezoneOffset int
UniversalDateTime This method has a custom implementation and does not use the model default database.
It uses Basics included in BasicFramework
Returns the UTC DateTime, including the time in ms since epoch (Javascript style). The argument timems is is the time in ms since epoch. If timems is NULL the current time at UTC is used.
Input arguments
timems int (nullable)
Return set
dateTime datetime
timems int