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Using aggregate functions

The RISE view editor supports group by and aggregated functions. Use this, for instance, to accomplish views that calculates MIN, MAX, SUM etc for a set of of instances (rows) or to COUNT the number of instances that meet some criteria.

Create a view by dropping it from the left-hand toolbar onto your base (FROM) entity or open an existing view. In the view editor, drag entities, views and attributes from the left-hand tree to make include them in your view. Then apply the aggregate functions you need by selecting the attribute and clicking the Function-link. It's a good idea to rename the aggregated attribute as well, to reflect result (ChildID to NumberOfChildren in example below).  Drag the attributes needed for the group to the "Group by"-box and delete all other attributes, if any. To use aggregate functions in a view all attributes must either be part of the GROUP BY list or have aggregate functions applied on them, i.e. you can't leave some attributes in the right-hand tree unattended. 

The above view settings will result in SQL/DDL code similar to the below MySQL code (loop is the model prefix).

CREATE VIEW "v_loop_ParentChildren" ("ID", "NumberOfChildren") 
  SELECT "t"."c_id", COUNT("Child"."c_id") 
  FROM "t_loop_u_Parent" "t" 
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "t_loop_u_Child" "Child" 
    ON ("Child"."c_r_Parent" = "t"."c_id") 
  GROUP BY "t"."c_id";